Package aa.core

Provides the classes necessary to use this actor platform.


Class Summary
Actor This class includes basic behavior of an actor.
ActorManager This class represents Actor Manager to handle the state information about actors that are working or created on this platform.
ActorMessage This class specifies a communication message between actors.
ActorName This class creates a window for MAA (Multi-Actor Architecture).
ActorThread This class describes an actor thread.
Contract This class represents a contract
CyberOrg This class represents a cyberorg
DelayedMessageManager This class manages communication messages for mobile actors that are in transit.
FacilitatorActor This class represents a facilitator actor of a cyberorg
MessageManager This class delivers communication messages among actors.
MigrationManager This class specifies a Migration Manger to handle mobile actors.
Platform This class represents an actor platform.
SchedulerManager This class is the actor scheduler, and it schedules all actors on this platform

Exception Summary
ActorException An BecomeActorException is thrown by certain methods of the aa.core.ActorThread class to indicate that the caller cannot change its behavior.
BecomeActorException An BecomeActorException is thrown by certain methods of the aa.core.platform class to indicate that the caller cannot change its behavior.
CommunicationException An CommunicationException is thrown to indicate that an error happens during the actor communication.
CreateActorException An CreateActorException is thrown by certain methods of the aa.core.platform class to indicate that the caller cannot create a new actor.
MigrateActorException An MigrateActorException is thrown to indicate that an error happens during the actor migration.

Package aa.core Description

Provides the classes necessary to use this actor platform.