AA_DATE - Static variable in class aa.Start
Specifies the date of this version.
AA_VERSION - Static variable in class aa.Start
Specifies the version of this platform.
ACTIVE - Static variable in class aa.core.ActorManager
An actor state to indicate that an actor is working, and hence it can receive and process a message.
Actor - class aa.core.Actor.
This class includes basic behavior of an actor.
Actor() - Constructor for class aa.core.Actor
Creates an actor.
ActorException - exception aa.core.ActorException.
An BecomeActorException is thrown by certain methods of the aa.core.ActorThread class to indicate that the caller cannot change its behavior.
ActorException(String) - Constructor for class aa.core.ActorException
Constructs an exception reporting an error happens when the behavior of an actor is changed.
ActorManager - class aa.core.ActorManager.
This class represents Actor Manager to handle the state information about actors that are working or created on this platform.
ActorManager(Platform, View) - Constructor for class aa.core.ActorManager
Creates an Actor Manager.
ActorMessage - class aa.core.ActorMessage.
This class specifies a communication message between actors.
ActorMessage(ActorName, ActorName, String, Object[], boolean) - Constructor for class aa.core.ActorMessage
Creates an actor communication message.
ActorName - class aa.core.ActorName.
This class creates a window for MAA (Multi-Actor Architecture).
ActorName(String, int) - Constructor for class aa.core.ActorName
Creates unique actor name for an actor with host address of the platform where the actor is created, and unique identifier ot the actor.
ActorName(ActorName) - Constructor for class aa.core.ActorName
Creates unique actor name for an actor with another actor name.
ActorName(String) - Constructor for class aa.core.ActorName
Creates unique actor name for an actor with string representation of a UAN.
ActorThread - class aa.core.ActorThread.
This class describes an actor thread.
ActorThread(ActorName, boolean) - Constructor for class aa.core.ActorThread
Creates an actor thread.
ActorTuple - class aa.tool.ActorTuple.
This class describes an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
ActorTuple(ActorName, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for class aa.tool.ActorTuple
Creates an actor tuple.
Add - class app.quickstart.sum.Add.
This class creates the Add actor to perform the operation for "2+3=5".
Add() - Constructor for class app.quickstart.sum.Add
aa - package aa
Provides the Start class to execute a multi-actor platform.
aa.app.dm - package aa.app.dm
Provides the classes for the Directory Manager actor.
aa.app.dummy - package aa.app.dummy
Provides the classes for the Dummy actor.
aa.application - package aa.application
aa.application.AdaptiveQuad - package aa.application.AdaptiveQuad
aa.application.Fibonacci - package aa.application.Fibonacci
aa.core - package aa.core
Provides the classes necessary to use this actor platform.
aa.drivers - package aa.drivers
aa.gui - package aa.gui
Provides the classes necessary to use the graphical user interface of this multi-actor platform.
aa.tool - package aa.tool
Provides the classes that are very useful for this application, but might be used for other applications.
aa.transport - package aa.transport
Provides the classes necessary for message passing on distributed platforms.
aa.util - package aa.util
Provides the classes that can be used for various applications.
accept(long) - Method in class aa.core.CyberOrgManager
Called by resAlloc when it is trying to accept small request
actionAbout() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Displays a dialog box to show information about this program.
actionChangePortNumber() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Shows a dialog box for changing server port number.
actionChangeSizeOfMsgHistory() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Shows a dialog box for changing the size of log messages.
actionClearMsgHistory() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Removes all log messages.
actionClose() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Closes this window.
actionCreate() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Creates a new actor.
actionEnableMsgHistory() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Change otpion for enabling actor message logging
actionExit() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Exits this program.
actionKill() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Kills the selected actor.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class aa.gui.DlgChangePortNumber
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class aa.gui.DlgChangeSizeOfMessageHistory
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class aa.gui.DlgShowMsgHistory
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class aa.gui.DlgShowSysInfo
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class aa.gui.View
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionResume() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Resumes the selected actor.
actionSaveMsgHistory() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Saves the message history.
actionSend() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Sends a message to the selected actor.
actionShowMsgHistory() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Shows a dialob box for actor messages delivered.
actionSuspend() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Suspends the selected actor.
actionViewSysInfo() - Method in class aa.gui.View
Shows a dialog box for the system information of this platform.
addChild(CyberOrg) - Method in class aa.core.CyberOrg
Add a child cyberorg to the current child list
addNewActor(ActorName) - Method in class aa.gui.View
Adds a node for the new actor on the actor list.
addNumber() - Method in class app.quickstart.sum.Add
Adds two numbers (2 and 3) and prints the results.
afterMigrateActor(ActorName, Thread) - Method in class aa.core.CyberOrgManager
This method is called in remote CyberOrg Migration, after migrating an actor,
we need to insert it to the destination cyberorg, reallocate resource to it through the local scheduler
afterMigrateActor(ActorName, Thread) - Method in class aa.core.Platform
This method is called in remote CyberOrg Migration, after migrating an actor, we need to insert it to the destination cyberorg, reallocate resource to it through the local scheduler
app.quickstart.animal - package app.quickstart.animal
app.quickstart.dm - package app.quickstart.dm
app.quickstart.hello - package app.quickstart.hello
app.quickstart.hello1 - package app.quickstart.hello1
app.quickstart.hello2 - package app.quickstart.hello2
app.quickstart.hello3 - package app.quickstart.hello3
app.quickstart.hello4 - package app.quickstart.hello4
app.quickstart.hello5 - package app.quickstart.hello5
app.quickstart.hello6 - package app.quickstart.hello6
app.quickstart.sum - package app.quickstart.sum
areTypeMatched(ActorTuple, ActorTuple) - Method in class aa.tool.TupleSpace
Checks whether element types between the given tuple template and the given actor tuple are matched.
assimilate() - Method in class aa.core.CyberOrg
CyberOrg assimilate
aveError - Variable in class aa.application.AdaptiveQuad.QuadFacilitator
aveRate - Variable in class aa.application.AdaptiveQuad.QuadFacilitator
aveRes - Variable in class aa.application.AdaptiveQuad.QuadFacilitator