Uses of Class

Packages that use ActorThread
aa.core Provides the classes necessary to use this actor platform. 

Uses of ActorThread in aa.core

Fields in aa.core declared as ActorThread
protected  ActorThread Actor.m_athread
          The reference to the actor thread of this actor behavior class.

Methods in aa.core that return ActorThread
protected  ActorThread ActorManager.getActorThread(ActorName p_anActor)
          Returns the reference to the actor with the given actor name.

Methods in aa.core with parameters of type ActorThread
protected  void Platform.becomeActor(ActorThread p_athreadCaller, Queue p_qMsgQueue, boolean[] p_baFlags, java.lang.String p_strActorClass, java.lang.Object[] p_objaArgs)
          Change the behavior of an actor.
protected  void Platform.registerActor(ActorThread p_athread, java.lang.Integer p_intState)
          Registers an actor thread to the Actor Manager of this platform.
protected  void Platform.updateActor(ActorThread p_athread, java.lang.Integer p_intState)
          Updates information about an actor on the Actor Manager.
private  void MigrationManager.reactivateActor(ActorThread p_athread)
          Reactivates a mobile actor.
protected  void ActorManager.registerActor(ActorThread p_athread, java.lang.Integer p_intState)
          Registers a new actor into this actor platform.
protected  void ActorManager.updateActor(ActorThread p_athread, java.lang.Integer p_intState)
          Updates the old reference to an actor with new one.
protected  void ActorManager.changeToActor(ActorThread p_athread, java.lang.Integer p_intState)
          Deregisters the specified actor form the mobile actor list, and registers an actor into the working actors list.